International Youth Green Summit

Posted by Andi on Sunday, June 16, 2013 with No comments

International Youth Green Summit was helt at University of Indonesia at April, 19-22 2013. The Summit formed to make people understand about environment urgency in this era and for the next. Not just it, We also have make networking to each participant here. One statement that always echoing in my mind is "Tree is symbol of life, there is no life without love, there is no love without care" it's mean Trees is the most important of the world survival from a Journalist and Also the founder of Dompet Dhuafa, Parnihadi.

The Important one, I also want to deliver my "Thanks" to Ibu Lilis who welcomed us like their family. We will miss you.
Bersama Peserta dari Seluruh Indonesia
Bersama Tante Lilis (Baju Merah)
